4 Questions to Answer for Building a Successful Blog

According to demandmetric.com, 70% of individuals prefer learning about a company via blog posts instead of ads. Further, it has concluded that 80% of individuals prefer custom content for this kind of learning. Custom content marketing means sharing a tale that makes a bond with a customer with a motive of building relationships by solving a problem.

For sharing such content, a blog is an ideal tool. Posting a valuable blog is an assured way of getting trust and brand loyalty from customers. With a story-telling content, you organically stand out from the rest competitors as an elite expert in your niche.

However, it may not be so easy for the beginners to build a successful blog. So, to put their efforts on the path of success, here are a few questions that they need to seek answers for.

What’s the blogging goal?

This is perhaps the most important query. Why you want a blog? Never have a blog just because the experts recommend it or professionals prefer for making money. If your only intention is to make money, it is time to change both the mind and goal.

While blogging for business gives your customers, a clear goal focusing chiefly on the customers is indispensable. For framing a goal, you need to find out whether you are trying to solve something, demonstrate your expertise, or give more attention to some products or services.

Once the goal is clear, it becomes easier and more effective to write, organize, and share your stories such that they fulfill your customers’ as well as your requirements.

For whom you want to blog?

No! This does not have a straightforward answer of women, men, kids, elderly or so on. You need to know your target audience by knowing them deeper, such as by finding their age, preferences, income, working area, living area, pain points, challenges, areas of improvements, and sources from where they get information.

Once these details are known, it becomes more effective to learn how to write a post targeting only these probable readers, information seekers, or let’s say near-future leads. Remember, a successful blog is possible only with a clearly defined visitor’s personality in mind.

What will the blog give?

Well, this goes back to the goal you decided. No one will read even the most motivating story if does not provide any value or solution that is relevant and practical. For a successful blog, you first need to provide what you want. Thus, ‘buy it’ and ‘take it’ will not work.

Stop focusing on promoting yourself but on some insights that are available nowhere else. For example, you may give a practical suggestion or a leadership idea.

This is how you will also add to the digital knowledgebase, which is perhaps a direct cause of a successful blog. This is because you end up adding a distinct value.

While looking for how to make a blog successful, even the language tone and presentation play a big role in articulating your stories and brand building ideas.

It is wise to select a tone and voice that aligns with your target audience and brand. For example, if the business is in technology, your post should be educational and witty. Just keep in mind that each successful blog is distinct.

How will your blog reach the target audience?

Your work does not get over once you finish writing the blog. It will need readers, right? Well, for that, you need effective marketing by backlinking URLs, keywords in content for driving organic traffic toward it and buy real traffic.


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